This is a histrorical archive of the Save Kim Possible web site, circa 2008.
Links may not work and the information on this site may be out of date or inaccurate.
The Save Kim Possible campaign is NOT currently being managed.
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SKP Flyers, Handouts, and Postcards

(Free Adobe Reader software is required to open and print these files.)


New KP Flyer.pdf


rufus x4.pdf


To make your own postcards you will need to buy heavy wight paper, but it's fairly inexpensive. Visit your local office supply store (Staples, Office Depot, ext.) and they can help you with that. Once you have the right paper, you can make your own postcards by first printing one of the "handout" pages on one side of the paper. Then, just print this file on the back side of the page. Cut the paper into fourths along the lines and you have four postcards ready to send!

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All characters and shows contained herein © Disney and their respective owners. is in no way connected to or affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.